
Cam, Dursley & District


Status:Active, open to new members
When: Weekly on Tuesday afternoons 1:50 pm-4:30 pm
Venue: Dursley Methodist Church
Cost: £2 including refreshments

Welcome to Cam & Dursley U3A Bridge Group web-page.

We play Duplicate Bridge, usually in Pairs format. No problem if you are a Rubber Bridge player, you'll easily get the hang of duplicate. We usually play about 18 hands and have tea and biscuits at around halfway.

We welcome new members, both those who have played bridge before, and those who are new to the game, although an experience of some card-play is almost essential.

If you want to find out more about the Bridge world, google EBU - the English Bridge Union, to which we are affiliated. If you search the site you should find Learn to Play, which has a programme to teach you the basics of bridge.

Please feel free to contact the group coordinator Richard Gwyer. You can email him using the link at Coordinator at the top of the page, or ring him on 01453 860512.